When you want to brand your company, you need exterior building signs. Fort Worth business owners have long realized that these markers do far more than just assist consumers with finding the entrance. In fact, they are indispensable when you are working hard on putting a public face on your business.
Exterior Building Signs That Get Noticed!
Unique exterior building signs always do better than markers that are too similar to those around you. Sure, you want to blend in. At the same time, you want to be just a bit more daring and eye-grabbing than the companies’ chosen signage solutions on either side of you. Is it possible to achieve this? You bet! You have options.
Unique Shapes
One of the most memorable exterior building signs you can choose is the marker that is shaped like your logo. Your company’s name is displayed inside this frame. A lightbox cabinet is usually the right selection for this signage solution. Shaping the aluminum frame is easy and customizing the facing ensures that your logo looks perfect.
Illuminated Signage
Stand out among a sea of dimensional letters with a lit channel letter sign. Having light where others have opted out of built-in illumination most certainly helps you to stand out after dark. During the day, you fit in perfectly with lettering that is colorful and attractive.
Mounting Options
Channel letters are usually mounted to a raceway. This allows installers to work with façade problems and makes wiring a lit sign a lot easier. But it takes away from the almost organic look that a direct-mounted sign provides. Why not opt for wall-mounted channel letters instead? It takes a bit more work, but it is entirely doable! And it lets you stand out visually from your neighbors.
Formed Plastic
When dimensional letters are a staple sign in your neighborhood, you still have plenty of options open to you. One of the most versatile is the choice of formed plastic letters. The customized manufacturing process gives you a finished product that can come in a wide variety of sizes, looks, finishes and fronts. Stand out simply by virtue of the fine-tuning of the lettering that you have chosen.
LED Signs
If information is king in your line of business, a cabinet marker with a built-in LED sign is the perfect solution. It is unusual, grabs the eye and updates consumers on deals, events and products with consistently changing information. Depending on your choice of technology, you might even incorporate graphics into the mix. These signs are already used successfully by schools and sports venues.
Signage Combinations
Who says that you can only have one building sign? Combine a box cabinet logo with lit channel letters for a name and logo combination. Add a box cabinet that displays business affiliations with other companies in the area. In short, market and brand as you identify the name of your business.
As you can see, you have plenty of choices when considering an upgrade or a new installation of exterior building signs for your Fort Worth business. Talk to the skilled professionals at Cowtown Graphics & Signs today for more information and to get started on your order.